
Natural Honeycomb Opel

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $1.00./g

Weight (g)
Actual Weight 1g
Sale Price $1.00
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Honeycomb Opal: “Honeycomb opal” usually refers to a type of opal with a pattern resembling a honeycomb. Opals are gemstones known for their play-of-color, which is the iridescence or flashes of different colors that can be observed when the stone is viewed from different angles.

The honeycomb pattern in opals can be caused by the arrangement of tiny, closely packed silica spheres within the stone. These spheres diffract light, creating the characteristic play-of-color. Opals with a honeycomb pattern can be particularly captivating due to the intricate and visually appealing arrangement of colors.

Natural Opal: A “natural opal” simply means that the opal has not undergone any artificial treatments to enhance its color or clarity. Natural opals can come in various colors, and their value is often influenced by factors such as play-of-color, transparency, and body color.

If you are specifically interested in opals with a honeycomb pattern, you may want to look for opals that exhibit this unique characteristic. It’s important to purchase gemstones from reputable sources, and if possible, obtain information about the origin and any treatments the opal may have undergone. Australia is particularly famous for producing opals, including those with captivating patterns like the honeycomb.


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Natural Honeycomb Opel
Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $1.00./g
Weight (g)
Actual Weight 1g
Sale Price $1.00